Nompucuko Zakaza



  • Self motivated and story teller and writer from Tsomo, Upper Nqolosa Location
  • A story teller- mainly isiXhosa folktales and other stories.
  • Loves writing isiXhosa intsomi; short poems and short stories for fun, two self-publications.



  • Inspired as a story teller by my rural background, my late grandmother and mother, my blind uncle Sebenzile Ngwane (still alive); disadvantaged children and all the unsung heroes like so many people I have met who have an unexplored talent in isiXhosa storytelling in the Eastern Cape.


  • Has be engaged in Arts and Culture through Speech and Drama, language teaching and learning as a student at Daliwonga High School and Unitra between 1984-1994 and as an ex- educator at Thembalabantu SSS, Zwelitsha from 1995 -2001
  • Has engaged in language teaching and learning to NPDE and ACE educators from Libode, Ngqeleni, Tsolo, Qumbu, Lusikisiki, Mt Frere and King Williams Town entres through the Nelson Mandela Metroploitan University off-campus programs from 2002-2007
  • Has engaged in education training and development as a trainer; assessor and moderator (ETDP SETA related 2008-2015)
  • Has continued to voluntarily engage in Arts and Culture activities’ through the previous IBUTHO program representing Amathole District between 2008 and 2010 and thereafter continued to voluntarily work support the reading campaigns promoted by Languages and Libraries section at DSRAC up to 2014. As a local storyteller working with youth and children, mainly promoting IsiXhosa, I got exposure to courses, festivals, e.g. WordFest 2014, Advanced Cultural Management Course by Swallows Foundation UK and Isiseko Senkonjane (2014)
  • 2010-2015: I became engaged in African Language studies with Rhodes University through the National DAC and National Research Foundation post- graduate studies under Rhodes University. I passed BA Hons, with courses, Language Planning and Globalization, Translation & Interpreting Studies and Human Language Technology . 2015– Graduated my Masters in, specialising in Oral literature (Thesis: IsiXhosa storytelling as an alternative medium to martenal health education in Primary Health Care in the Eatsern Cape)
  • 2014: recently engaged in the Advanced Cultural Management course offered the Swallows Foudation and Isiseko Senkonjane and eventually went to UK (Newcastle) for storytelling in the Afrovibes festival.
  • 2013-to date: Established an arts education and performance NPO (Lisahluma Skills Development Services 121-446)



  • Facilitates arts education and performance for children 03-13 in Zwelitsha; Tsomo; Dimbaza (blind children and parents) & Ethembeni Location.
  • Runs an After Care and Homework support for kids (Zwelitsha only) in the project.
  • Engages children and their parents in outgoing cultural heritage exchange tours within the Province.
  • Facilitates parents storytelling and reading clubs in all its sites and in local churches.


2015:          Two self- published titles: Zenithi Tsiyo-o tsiyo-o and Amabali oonobumba bakaBubele with audio)


  • Plans to accredit isiXhosa short skills training program in Storytelling, Translation and Interpreting. (all including Braille and Sign language)
  • Plans to own a children’s centre with hostel; a story bank and lots of cultural education and fun!

Check my facebook page for more information:

NB: You can take any other pic you need from there!