Press Release – 1 August 2019

Press Release 

Immediate Release

Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club to reflect on “Women in Waiting”

During Apartheid hundreds of South African women were separated interminably from their husbands by the migrant labour system, political exile, activism and imprisonment, or by their partners’ fecklessness thus they waited without duration for them.

As we celebrate women’s month, The Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club will host a

The play depicts the plight of four women who are waiting for their husbands to come home.Stage Reading and Discussion of a play “Women in Waiting” by Indlu Kantu Institute at the wRite associates, 74 Mimosa Road, Randpark Ridge on the 24th of August 2019.

The play depicts the plight of four women who are waiting for their husbands to come home. The women question themselves and each other about why they waited, as one of the women in the play is shocked when her husband comes back with another wife. The women question themselves and each other about why they waited, as one of the women in the play is shocked when her husband comes back with another wife.

“Women in Waiting” is a glimpse into a much-neglected aspect of our collective history, and how it affected the lives of black women in particular. This play can also be anchored to the more powerful public stories of Penelope, of ancient Greek mythology, who waited eighteen years while her husband Odysseus was away, and Winnie Mandela, who waited for twenty-seven years when Nelson Mandela was in prison.

The play was written by Seipate Bulane Hopa, who is the Executive Producer and partner in Kwasukasukela, and has helped several film establishment including Women of the Sun.

The event will be directed by Mr Trueman Seshoka author of the book Small Town Big People: Mohlakeng and facilitated by Ms Mandisa Mcelu Head of Communications at Almaz Communications.

The Women’s Month in South Africa is an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements and the important role that women of all races and religions have played and continue to play in the South African society.

The Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club, is a legacy programme under the South African Literary Awards (SALA), managed and co-ordinated by the wRite associates established in 2009,  a place for those who read for pleasure, knowledge, enlightenment and fulfilment, while also celebrating the social aspects of reading.

Attendance is free but confirmation of attendance is compulsory.

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